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“President Trump is proposing an appropriate response to China’s recent threat of new tariffs. After a detailed investigation, USTR found overwhelming evidence that China’s unreasonable actions are harming the U.S. economy. In the light of such evidence, the appropriate response from China should be to change its behavior, as China’s government has pledged to do many times. Economies around the world – including China’s own – would benefit if China would implement policies that truly reward hard work and innovation, rather than continuing its policies that distort the vital high-tech sector.

“好房直接签 送免费退换”是指,新签或期满想要换房的租客,在线看房签约即可享受入住3天内无责退房一次或入住30天无责换房一次的权益,租客可通过蛋壳公寓APP进行线上房源搜索、签约等流程,值得注意的是此活动不支持线下看房。蛋壳公寓称,这项福利也正是蛋壳公寓在顺应当下疫情形势,为租户提供一个更好的租住决策,解决其租房顾虑所制定的政策。


“Unfortunately, China has chosen to respond thus far with threats to impose unjustified tariffs on billions of dollars in U.S. exports, including our agricultural products. Such measures would undoubtedly cause further harm to American workers, farmers, and businesses. Under these circumstances, the President is right to ask for additional appropriate action to obtain the elimination of the unfair acts, policies, and practices identified in USTR’s report.”

